National College Comedy Competition!

I’ll be judging Chapman college vs. LMU for the 2012 National College Comedy Competition at the Hollywood Improv at 7:30 tomorrow! I have to determine which is the funniest 20 year old white man! Which one will be funniest? Ah, to be young and unjaded comedy again!

Postscript: Really enjoyed Arman Singh, and am sad that he will not be moving on.  A gentleman from Spokane was unwittingly telling the joke that Louis C.K. sued Dane Cook over.  Several gentleman had extended bits about Oompa Loompas, and I found it hilarious that the second one did not waver from his original direction after the first one had plowed that territory.  I had fun hanging out with fellow judge Jessi Campbell, who is very funny and who will destroy you at Words with Friends.  We high-fived when the fifth comic to take the stage was the first one who moved the microphone stand.  I was recognized as being on Portlandia, which is so weird to me, since my part is so small!  But I’ll take attention where I can get it, clearly.

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