Let’s Get Emo!

Dear Portland;

Sometimes, dreams come true.  I’m here to prove it.  I’ve been Seizing The Moment and Living My Best Life Ever and doing everything Oprah says, and finally something that has been on my Vision Board is coming to pass:  Emo Philips is coming to do a show in Portland, at the Helium comedy club, March 24-26.

He has not performed here since 1986.  He did a show in 2007 that I drove to Bend, OR to see, along with patriot Danny Norton, and you can read all about it here.  I feel strongly that Portland has been quietly sitting in folding chairs, hands gently waiting for his return so that we can crown him as our weirdo king.

If you liked his records in the eighties, please know that his joke writing has continued to refine and develop, and he is now known as one of the finest joke writers in the world.  He is a truly cerebral deeply funny act for the enjoyment of comics, comedy fans, weirdos, and Emo-philiacs- please join me for a great set of shows!

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