Vesta Vaingloria on a couch

FROM JOSEPH SMITH TO ROBERT SMITH: Virginia Jones Talks Comedy, Mormonism, and Feminism on Open Graves

On the latest episode of Heather Noel and Vesta Vaingloria’s podcast, Open Graves, known goth Virginia Jones opens up about her life as a comedian, Mormon, and feminist.

Jones discusses about how her Mormon upbringing influenced her comedy. “I grew up in France, so Mormonism made me feel like an outcast on top of being an outcast-I moved to the States from France as a cult member who also talked funny.”

“I’m a feminist because I believe in equality for all people,” Jones said. “Although, as Animal Farm points out, some people are more equal than others.”

Jones is a talented comedian and a role model for young Goth women everywhere. Her appearance on Open Graves was a fun, but extremely dark and gothic, visit.

If you haven’t listened to Open Graves yet, I highly recommend it. It’s a great podcast with engaging hosts. You can find it on most major podcast platforms!

Bloody Mary: An American Werewolf in London

bloody mary podcast

Happy New Year! Start your year off right with an episode of Bloody Mary, an all-lady horror podcast hosted by Kristin Lytie!

I met Kristin at this year’s Altercation Comedy Festival in Austin. We talk seniority in comedy, the neverending story, who’s an anxious attachment person, and how to tell if you are becoming a werewolf.

I’ve seen this movie a jillion times, most recently at Braindead Studios, which used to be the Cinefamily. That ended when the manager got popped for sexually harrassing, well, everybody.

I figured out after the fact that the title, An American in Werewolf, is based on A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, which is annoying. But I love this movie and I love talking about it, check it out on Apple podcasts here!

WORSHIP at Comedy Church with Tuesday Thomas!

comedy church december 9 tuesday thomas

From the deranged mind that brought you FREAKSHOW, comedian and producer Tuesday Thomas reinvents the performance space as COMEDY CHURCH, on alternate Fridays in the space next to 4874 W, Adams blvd!

It’s COMEDY CHURCH: It’s a religion that worships laughter.

Welcome to COMEDY CHURCH: it wants you to have fun.

Sweet COMEDY CHURCH: it will get drunk and confess that it loves you.

At COMEDY CHURCH, we commune, drink, and laugh at dirty jokes.

COMEDY CHURCH will stream on PAGAN TV on ROKU!

Miraculously, the price of your ticket returns to you via tax receipt for a charitable donation under 501 c3, benefitting LGBTQIA and BIPOC youth. It’s a win-win!

The address is for the venue isn’t real- it’s next door and shares a space with a communist bookstore. WHAT AN ADVENTURE!

It’s all organized by Tuesday Thomas, Beautiful Lunatic, Tiktok’s TRANMA-who hurts BECAUSE she cares. She’s been featured on VH1, MTV, E! and BBC’s World of Weird.

If you do nothing else to give and take cheer his Holiday season, come check out Comedy Church! Tickets HERE!


flyer for horror nerd with virginia jones

Halloween’s coming! And with that in mind, HORROR NERD is also coming! This August, it’s a witch-themed show featuring Jackie Steele, Samantha Hale, Allusia, Subhah Agarwal, and me! Tickets are HERE!

How To Make The Perfect Blade Runner Movie!

What will we need to make the perfect Blade Runner movie?

Something boiling 

Neon in the rain

Fetishy latex jackets

Crowds of pedestrians in weird masks

Wet sex workers


Giant buildings shaped like pyramids  

Street food/night markets 

That opthamologist setup where lenses are flipped with other lenses 

High contrast lighting 

Inexplicable accents 


Printed photos

CRT screens


Lens flare

Eyes: close up, tattooed, missing

Serial numbers on everything

Harrison Ford holding a square glass tumbler




Slow ceiling fan 


What else?

The Man Who Sold The World: On Autoharp And Guitar

The Man Who Sold The World On Autoharp:

If you give a goth an autoharp, she’ll ask for a Jazzmaster.

If you give a goth a Jazzmaster, she’ll try to play some Bowie.

I found an autoharp on Glendale boulevard in LA and tuned it and replaced the springs and felts, and then I accompanied myself on this Bowie cover, The Man Who Sold The World. I have probably gone insane. Thank you.